Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Day 22
The decided Departure time was 8am so the taxi arrived to take us back to the boat at 7am. We headed out and down past Penlopple Island (papa has put the cart away and we know the names something like that =p lol) and saw the castle ruins and the fog on top of the mountains was beautiful. In this area there was constant train traffic and the rails were so close to the water it looked as if the tracks were in the water. We passed a big military academy at West Point and tons of old mansions built into the sides of the mountains. When we came to the Tappan Zee Bridge (across from Terry Town) the weather was beginning to look like rain and as Kathy said after here the places to stop become fewer and on a Saturday in NYC it wasn’t likely you’d find a place so we anchored for the night. It was such a calm night and we wished all anchorages could be as great as this one.
Day 21
I woke up and felt better than I had last night…that was short lived lol. Papa made breakfast but the thought was enough to send Grama and I over the railing again. Papa made a decision. The storm wasn’t subsiding and obviously us girls we not comfortable so he told us to pack a bag and once there was a lull in the intensity of the waves we would go ashore and find a motel.
We waited for what seemed like forever but even when there was a lull in the waves the boat was riding too far from the dock to get safely ashore. Eventually papa decided to attempt to tie another line from the boat to the dock in hopes of pulling and tying the boat as close to the dock as possible. I volunteered to go ashore.
Once safely on the dock papa through me a line and I wrapped it on a cleat and pulled but couldn’t get the boat more than half a foot closer to the dock. Even with papas help and pulling together she didn’t want to budge. I convinced papa that instead of me getting back on the boat he should hand me the bags and id put them safely on the main dock and then id help Grama down onto the dock from the bow. On our way to shore we notified Grace C of our departure as well as Sinn Fein. While talking to Kathy we found out that in the night they had snapped a couple of lines =/. We got to shore and almost instantly I felt a little better. We walked into the restaurant there and inquired about hotels in the area and received a book of different accommodations. In the book we found a place called the Garden Hilton and immediately called a taxi.
From the road you could tell that it was a newer hotel and in the book it had mentioned a hot tub and swimming pool =]. Check-in was at 3pm and by now it was only 1130 but they let us into our room anyways.
Once we got settled and I had noticed the fee wifi and internet plug in ;] we headed down to the restaurant. Grama and I were starving! We were the only customers for lunch, but that’s not unusual for a hotels 6 tabled restaurant. Although after a while we began to wonder if that was the actual reasoning for the lack of customers. The waitress first gave us a couple of menus to look at but promptly came back and told us they were the wrong ones and took them back…no big deal they were the supper menus and they were through serving lunch in a half hour so it was an easy mistake…then she informed us that she had no idea where the menus were. After about 5mins of looking she located the menus and asked us what we would like to drink. Grama asked for a Caesar but then remembered that we were in the states and asked for a Bloody Mary, the waitress said she might be able to find someone to do that but she had no idea how to make a drink, Papa followed Grama and I asked if they served Pina Coladas and she said yes so I excitedly decided upon that. After another 5mins of looking for someone to make the drinks she came back to inform me that they did not serve Pina Coladas and I just ordered a root beer. When the drinks finally arrived papa mistakenly asked what the soup of the day was and again the waitress took off for 5mins to find the chef (It turned out to be a butternut squash). Then while ordering Grama asked which meal was better the one she was getting or another dish and the girl just told us that she doesn’t eat their food other then the wings and they’re really good she ate them all the time. I asked if I could get a small salad before my meal and she told me not a prob. She ordered our meals she came back just to chat and then informed us that she had to pee so she was leaving us for a moment to go to the washroom. I just looked at Grama and Papa…I swear my 10yr old sister is waaayyy more mature then her but she was trying and giving 150% effort, and as Papa stated “I thought this must be her first day alone on the job but she told us she eats the wings all the time and she’s been here a while!”The food we found to be excellent, well Grama and I found the food excellent, apparently she didn’t order papas and he had to wait a while for his food lmao, which turned out o be excellent as well. We were just happy to get off the boat lol and in a way laughed with her when she made mistakes because she was not at all embarrassed with anything and acted like we had known each other all our lives.
When we had finished eating we were ready for the hot tub! Where our room was we were only a few doors down from it =]. We excitedly walked over and headed into the hot tub and found it was as cold as an outdoor pool! The swimming pool was even colder =[ papa used the phone they had by the door that called the front desk and a guy came out to put some hot water in the hot tub. once he was done it was like a cool bath but oh well we were on land!
Around suppertime we decided to give the restaurant another try and had a different waitress which seemed to know what she was doing lol and again the food was great! After we ate Grama decided to try and type out an email to send to Aunt Connie but for some reason Grama and emails don’t work lmao they end up not sending and flying around in cyber space, and I know she sent it properly because I did it with her lmao! Other then that the night was uneventful and I slept sooo well in my queen sized bed I had all to myself =]
We waited for what seemed like forever but even when there was a lull in the waves the boat was riding too far from the dock to get safely ashore. Eventually papa decided to attempt to tie another line from the boat to the dock in hopes of pulling and tying the boat as close to the dock as possible. I volunteered to go ashore.
Once safely on the dock papa through me a line and I wrapped it on a cleat and pulled but couldn’t get the boat more than half a foot closer to the dock. Even with papas help and pulling together she didn’t want to budge. I convinced papa that instead of me getting back on the boat he should hand me the bags and id put them safely on the main dock and then id help Grama down onto the dock from the bow. On our way to shore we notified Grace C of our departure as well as Sinn Fein. While talking to Kathy we found out that in the night they had snapped a couple of lines =/. We got to shore and almost instantly I felt a little better. We walked into the restaurant there and inquired about hotels in the area and received a book of different accommodations. In the book we found a place called the Garden Hilton and immediately called a taxi.
From the road you could tell that it was a newer hotel and in the book it had mentioned a hot tub and swimming pool =]. Check-in was at 3pm and by now it was only 1130 but they let us into our room anyways.
Once we got settled and I had noticed the fee wifi and internet plug in ;] we headed down to the restaurant. Grama and I were starving! We were the only customers for lunch, but that’s not unusual for a hotels 6 tabled restaurant. Although after a while we began to wonder if that was the actual reasoning for the lack of customers. The waitress first gave us a couple of menus to look at but promptly came back and told us they were the wrong ones and took them back…no big deal they were the supper menus and they were through serving lunch in a half hour so it was an easy mistake…then she informed us that she had no idea where the menus were. After about 5mins of looking she located the menus and asked us what we would like to drink. Grama asked for a Caesar but then remembered that we were in the states and asked for a Bloody Mary, the waitress said she might be able to find someone to do that but she had no idea how to make a drink, Papa followed Grama and I asked if they served Pina Coladas and she said yes so I excitedly decided upon that. After another 5mins of looking for someone to make the drinks she came back to inform me that they did not serve Pina Coladas and I just ordered a root beer. When the drinks finally arrived papa mistakenly asked what the soup of the day was and again the waitress took off for 5mins to find the chef (It turned out to be a butternut squash). Then while ordering Grama asked which meal was better the one she was getting or another dish and the girl just told us that she doesn’t eat their food other then the wings and they’re really good she ate them all the time. I asked if I could get a small salad before my meal and she told me not a prob. She ordered our meals she came back just to chat and then informed us that she had to pee so she was leaving us for a moment to go to the washroom. I just looked at Grama and Papa…I swear my 10yr old sister is waaayyy more mature then her but she was trying and giving 150% effort, and as Papa stated “I thought this must be her first day alone on the job but she told us she eats the wings all the time and she’s been here a while!”The food we found to be excellent, well Grama and I found the food excellent, apparently she didn’t order papas and he had to wait a while for his food lmao, which turned out o be excellent as well. We were just happy to get off the boat lol and in a way laughed with her when she made mistakes because she was not at all embarrassed with anything and acted like we had known each other all our lives.
When we had finished eating we were ready for the hot tub! Where our room was we were only a few doors down from it =]. We excitedly walked over and headed into the hot tub and found it was as cold as an outdoor pool! The swimming pool was even colder =[ papa used the phone they had by the door that called the front desk and a guy came out to put some hot water in the hot tub. once he was done it was like a cool bath but oh well we were on land!
Around suppertime we decided to give the restaurant another try and had a different waitress which seemed to know what she was doing lol and again the food was great! After we ate Grama decided to try and type out an email to send to Aunt Connie but for some reason Grama and emails don’t work lmao they end up not sending and flying around in cyber space, and I know she sent it properly because I did it with her lmao! Other then that the night was uneventful and I slept sooo well in my queen sized bed I had all to myself =]
Day 20
Departure 9am due to fog. Well we left Catskill today and headed down the Hudson River. It was vary picturesque with the mountains and nature, and as Grama would say more water and trees and sky lmao. It was a fairly uneventful day until a huge storm came through lol!
Kathy had found us a marina but it had a bit of a steep price asking 3 dollars a foot (very expensive), Sien Fenn docked , announced our presence and asked ourselves and Grace C what we thought about spending the night here. We opted to dock at the high price due to the oncoming storm but Grace C thought the anchorage would be satisfactory and we spit up.
When we pulled into Newbourgh’s marina there was an extremely strong current and docking was near impossible! Papa was pulled past the slip that was assigned to us and tried to back up to reposition himself but when backing full speed he was held stationary. Finally we repositioned ourselves to try and enter the slip where Kathy, Larry, Maria and a worker were waiting to help us dock. I tossed Larry the bowline hoping he could hold us off of the powerboat beside us but our stern was already on top of the little boat before we could get the stern line ashore. Our bow was plowing into the dock and poor Maria was doing all she could to try and push it off but did not prevail. I waited until the boat was near the dock and jumped ashore and helped Maria and finally together we got the bow safely off the dock, the bow was fine minus the loss of some paint. At this point the boys had managed to get the stern under control and alongside the dock. Grama was hollering for me thinking I had gone overboard lol. Once we attached a ton of spring lines everyone was relieved and starting to wind down. Papa told me to add to the blog “Wind 50 points, Current 50 points, Captain zip” lol. Although Larry piped up and said ‘well there was a landing so you have to give the captain something”, and with that awarded papa 10 points lmao.
As the day progressed, the storm worsened and we began to worry about Grace C’s safety being anchored. We decided to wait an hour and if we didn’t hear from them we’d call and try to persuade them to come in. about a half an hour later we heard Ruth’s voice coming across the radio, they were coming in. We were relieved and waited to assist them in docking. Luckily when the y arrived the current wasn’t as strong and they had a safe easy landing. We settled into our boats for the night hoping our ropes would hold.
Around 8 I finished the book I was reading and desperately looked for something else to focus on. The waves were tossing the boat back and forth and then the ropes would sharply jerk it back, needless to say I was starting to feel queasy and I got the feeling Grama was the same. I decided to try and get internet again using the booster Kathy had given me and went and sat to starboard in the cockpit. Shortly after papa came up and tidied. I didn’t realize why and once he left I moved to port to try and get a better signal there which I did. Suddenly Grama came flying up the stairs and yelled at papa “I thought you said port!” Then realization hit me as to why he had quickly tidied. I took the cord off my laptop and tried to move as quickly as I could out of her way as she dashed for the side of the boat. I felt bad and once she was done she laid along the port side of the cockpit, the zippers on the enclosure undone just in case. I went below and made my way back to my V berth and put my laptop away. I felt like I could lean over the side with her.
I laid in the cockpit across from Grama but after taking some gravol and having a nap she had felt a bit better and headed to bed. I couldn’t go down below. At some point I finally fell asleep and later woke and crawled to my berth.
Kathy had found us a marina but it had a bit of a steep price asking 3 dollars a foot (very expensive), Sien Fenn docked , announced our presence and asked ourselves and Grace C what we thought about spending the night here. We opted to dock at the high price due to the oncoming storm but Grace C thought the anchorage would be satisfactory and we spit up.
When we pulled into Newbourgh’s marina there was an extremely strong current and docking was near impossible! Papa was pulled past the slip that was assigned to us and tried to back up to reposition himself but when backing full speed he was held stationary. Finally we repositioned ourselves to try and enter the slip where Kathy, Larry, Maria and a worker were waiting to help us dock. I tossed Larry the bowline hoping he could hold us off of the powerboat beside us but our stern was already on top of the little boat before we could get the stern line ashore. Our bow was plowing into the dock and poor Maria was doing all she could to try and push it off but did not prevail. I waited until the boat was near the dock and jumped ashore and helped Maria and finally together we got the bow safely off the dock, the bow was fine minus the loss of some paint. At this point the boys had managed to get the stern under control and alongside the dock. Grama was hollering for me thinking I had gone overboard lol. Once we attached a ton of spring lines everyone was relieved and starting to wind down. Papa told me to add to the blog “Wind 50 points, Current 50 points, Captain zip” lol. Although Larry piped up and said ‘well there was a landing so you have to give the captain something”, and with that awarded papa 10 points lmao.
As the day progressed, the storm worsened and we began to worry about Grace C’s safety being anchored. We decided to wait an hour and if we didn’t hear from them we’d call and try to persuade them to come in. about a half an hour later we heard Ruth’s voice coming across the radio, they were coming in. We were relieved and waited to assist them in docking. Luckily when the y arrived the current wasn’t as strong and they had a safe easy landing. We settled into our boats for the night hoping our ropes would hold.
Around 8 I finished the book I was reading and desperately looked for something else to focus on. The waves were tossing the boat back and forth and then the ropes would sharply jerk it back, needless to say I was starting to feel queasy and I got the feeling Grama was the same. I decided to try and get internet again using the booster Kathy had given me and went and sat to starboard in the cockpit. Shortly after papa came up and tidied. I didn’t realize why and once he left I moved to port to try and get a better signal there which I did. Suddenly Grama came flying up the stairs and yelled at papa “I thought you said port!” Then realization hit me as to why he had quickly tidied. I took the cord off my laptop and tried to move as quickly as I could out of her way as she dashed for the side of the boat. I felt bad and once she was done she laid along the port side of the cockpit, the zippers on the enclosure undone just in case. I went below and made my way back to my V berth and put my laptop away. I felt like I could lean over the side with her.
I laid in the cockpit across from Grama but after taking some gravol and having a nap she had felt a bit better and headed to bed. I couldn’t go down below. At some point I finally fell asleep and later woke and crawled to my berth.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Day 19
We were planning on leaving to head towards NYC today but the plans went a little south...unlike us lol. When I got up I found that Grama had already convinced Papa to finally look at the vent coming from the holding tank… apparently not being able to smell shit was a bad thing lol. So papa tried to find a block but had no luck with that and went to tinkering below in the head (the head is the washroom on a boat). The whole boat stunk but I guess it should be reassuring to me cuz Mr. Caldwell (my Gr.9 English teacher at PCI) back home always smelled (jks lmao I <3 Mr. Caldwell)!
Eventually the tinkering seemed to do more damage than good and papa became very frustrated, not that I blame him. And he put Grama in charge of fixing it and that didn’t do any good either the thing was broken. Papa was kinda discouraged and I think he wanted to fix something and have it fixed and there was a list of stuff to do so he took to work on the engine which I never heard anything about so I think it went well…*knocks on wood*! Papa then went to wash down the boat and Grama and I noticed one of the hatches was bowed and water was leaking in. at this Grama and I decided to just get off the boat! We had made a grocery list and were going to head to wallmart! (it seems to be the only big store in the towns we visit) Kathy needed to go aswell as Ruth so we all piled into Kathy’s car and left.
When we returned to the boat nothing was said about the days’ events or what had happened while we were away and I guess Grama and were too nervous to ask lol. But I should head to bed because we depart tomorrow morn at 7am come hell or high water!
Eventually the tinkering seemed to do more damage than good and papa became very frustrated, not that I blame him. And he put Grama in charge of fixing it and that didn’t do any good either the thing was broken. Papa was kinda discouraged and I think he wanted to fix something and have it fixed and there was a list of stuff to do so he took to work on the engine which I never heard anything about so I think it went well…*knocks on wood*! Papa then went to wash down the boat and Grama and I noticed one of the hatches was bowed and water was leaking in. at this Grama and I decided to just get off the boat! We had made a grocery list and were going to head to wallmart! (it seems to be the only big store in the towns we visit) Kathy needed to go aswell as Ruth so we all piled into Kathy’s car and left.
When we returned to the boat nothing was said about the days’ events or what had happened while we were away and I guess Grama and were too nervous to ask lol. But I should head to bed because we depart tomorrow morn at 7am come hell or high water!
Day 18
This morning Papa and Grama let me sleep in, which is a good thing or I might have fallen over halfway through the day lol we were soo busy. Aswell Kathy and Maria arrived with their GG (great Grama)! It was nice to have them back…although Kathy brought with her school books for me to do Physics and Anthropology on the road =[.
We stepped the mast and fueled up and pumped out and then pulled trough some of the rigging. After papa was playing with a few things and I scrubbed the fenders lol the one guy who works here commented that papa couldn’t use the fenders anymore, papa looked very confused and asked why and the guy just laughed and said their way to damn clean to use on a boat! After we carried over the boom, hoisted it up and attached it to the mast. Then we realized the uphaul line was twisted around the halyard. Papa looked at me and I just rolled my eyes, I thought this was supposed to be a fun vacation and I hate heights! But up I went in the bosun’s chair to untangle the line and threaded the flag halyard through the starboard pulley. Once we got that fixed we threaded the sail onto the boom and then the mast, and fought to get the Duchman straight. Then added the batons and the reef lines to the sail and then more rigging, pulling the lines through the appropriate pulleys and back to the cockpit, which by now was a complete and utter disaster! Eventually we got the rigging right and everything in or close to its correct spot and took to cleaning up the cockpit. This took a while and it was late and we were all starving so Kathy said she’d drive us in to pick up pizza so Papa, Ruth, Kathy and I drove in to get the pizza but decided that the Italian place we found looked so good that Kath went to go pic up the rest of the group and we all ate there =] it was great after such a long day to all sit and eat and unwind together =] a good ending to an iffy day.
We stepped the mast and fueled up and pumped out and then pulled trough some of the rigging. After papa was playing with a few things and I scrubbed the fenders lol the one guy who works here commented that papa couldn’t use the fenders anymore, papa looked very confused and asked why and the guy just laughed and said their way to damn clean to use on a boat! After we carried over the boom, hoisted it up and attached it to the mast. Then we realized the uphaul line was twisted around the halyard. Papa looked at me and I just rolled my eyes, I thought this was supposed to be a fun vacation and I hate heights! But up I went in the bosun’s chair to untangle the line and threaded the flag halyard through the starboard pulley. Once we got that fixed we threaded the sail onto the boom and then the mast, and fought to get the Duchman straight. Then added the batons and the reef lines to the sail and then more rigging, pulling the lines through the appropriate pulleys and back to the cockpit, which by now was a complete and utter disaster! Eventually we got the rigging right and everything in or close to its correct spot and took to cleaning up the cockpit. This took a while and it was late and we were all starving so Kathy said she’d drive us in to pick up pizza so Papa, Ruth, Kathy and I drove in to get the pizza but decided that the Italian place we found looked so good that Kath went to go pic up the rest of the group and we all ate there =] it was great after such a long day to all sit and eat and unwind together =] a good ending to an iffy day.
Captain's Comments for the Blog
Waterford, New York (on the Hudson River)
We arrived here around noon today after spending three days on the MohawkRiver. This completes our transit of the Erie canal. Tomorrow we willtransit Lock 1 on the Hudson River and journey about 30 miles south toRiverview Marina to be reunited with our masts and again become sailboats.Another day or two on the Hudson will put us in the Big Apple where weplan to take a mooring at 79th St marina and walk on Broadway !!
I have previously referred to the Erie Barge canal as a series of rivers,lakes and dug ditches. I’d now like to modify that statement somewhat. The several lakes are just that; very nice picturesque lakes. The riversare not the rivers we tend to be familiar with in south western Ontariowhere we refer to Kettle Creek as a river. They are majestic rivers thatflow through highlands and lowlands, marshes, and rock cuts, valleys andmeadows, marshes, and urban America. The Mohawk comprises the greaterportion of the eastern branch of the canal and it is a wondrous river totraverse. Now to the ‘dug ditches’ that comprise a goodly portion of thecanal’s western branch. I retract this description. The man madeportions of the canal are well build watercourses, with banks built of cutstone and carefully laid rock. For the most part they follow the highlandso you are always looking down on the villages and rural areas around you.In several cases they form aqueducts taking you over orchards androadways . They are a great tribute to man’s abilities to work in harmonywith nature and harness her potential for our use and enjoyment.The waterway is abundant with waterfowl over its entire course. Weexperienced hot sunny days, cool to cold evenings, fresh mornings, rain,fog, mist, wind, calm. And every sensation reminds us of the joy it is tobe alive in our world. If you’d like to learn more about the Erie canalgo to www.xxxxxxx . There’s more than one way to experience the canal. We chatted with a middle aged couple (that’s code for ‘our age’) at one ofthe locks who had taken their boat through the canal many years ago. Thisyear they were doing the canal on bicycles We just spoke with them againin Waterford meaning they traveled by bike at about the same rate wetravelled by water.
We may not travel the entire journey in the company of Sinn Fein and GraceC but being together these past two weeks has been both enjoyable andprofitable for all of us. We have fed off each others strengths and atone time or another would have been ‘lost’ without the others. But,sometimes, what happens on the canals stays on the canals !!
Life aboard has taken us enjoyably from the life we lived ashore (albeitin Niki’s case kicking and screaming. She misses her friends and the lackof “E” connectivity 24/7). OTOH, I’m hardly missing news of the world,the nuances of the current political debates and with financial markets asthey are why would I want to know anyway?
We’ve only just begun this odyssey. There are countless miles ahead. Ifthey measure up to the past two weeks we shall succeed with flyingcolours.
Wayne Kentner
sent from the S/V 'Nice Butt'
519 854 5800
VHF Call Sign: CFN5158
We arrived here around noon today after spending three days on the MohawkRiver. This completes our transit of the Erie canal. Tomorrow we willtransit Lock 1 on the Hudson River and journey about 30 miles south toRiverview Marina to be reunited with our masts and again become sailboats.Another day or two on the Hudson will put us in the Big Apple where weplan to take a mooring at 79th St marina and walk on Broadway !!
I have previously referred to the Erie Barge canal as a series of rivers,lakes and dug ditches. I’d now like to modify that statement somewhat. The several lakes are just that; very nice picturesque lakes. The riversare not the rivers we tend to be familiar with in south western Ontariowhere we refer to Kettle Creek as a river. They are majestic rivers thatflow through highlands and lowlands, marshes, and rock cuts, valleys andmeadows, marshes, and urban America. The Mohawk comprises the greaterportion of the eastern branch of the canal and it is a wondrous river totraverse. Now to the ‘dug ditches’ that comprise a goodly portion of thecanal’s western branch. I retract this description. The man madeportions of the canal are well build watercourses, with banks built of cutstone and carefully laid rock. For the most part they follow the highlandso you are always looking down on the villages and rural areas around you.In several cases they form aqueducts taking you over orchards androadways . They are a great tribute to man’s abilities to work in harmonywith nature and harness her potential for our use and enjoyment.The waterway is abundant with waterfowl over its entire course. Weexperienced hot sunny days, cool to cold evenings, fresh mornings, rain,fog, mist, wind, calm. And every sensation reminds us of the joy it is tobe alive in our world. If you’d like to learn more about the Erie canalgo to www.xxxxxxx . There’s more than one way to experience the canal. We chatted with a middle aged couple (that’s code for ‘our age’) at one ofthe locks who had taken their boat through the canal many years ago. Thisyear they were doing the canal on bicycles We just spoke with them againin Waterford meaning they traveled by bike at about the same rate wetravelled by water.
We may not travel the entire journey in the company of Sinn Fein and GraceC but being together these past two weeks has been both enjoyable andprofitable for all of us. We have fed off each others strengths and atone time or another would have been ‘lost’ without the others. But,sometimes, what happens on the canals stays on the canals !!
Life aboard has taken us enjoyably from the life we lived ashore (albeitin Niki’s case kicking and screaming. She misses her friends and the lackof “E” connectivity 24/7). OTOH, I’m hardly missing news of the world,the nuances of the current political debates and with financial markets asthey are why would I want to know anyway?
We’ve only just begun this odyssey. There are countless miles ahead. Ifthey measure up to the past two weeks we shall succeed with flyingcolours.
Wayne Kentner
sent from the S/V 'Nice Butt'
519 854 5800
VHF Call Sign: CFN5158
Day 17
We departed Waterford at 9am. Today we completed the final lock =] it use to part of the canal as lock #1 but for some reason it became a federal lock and the Erie canal ends (or starts however you look at it) at lock 2. This lock was only a little one where we dropped about 8’ (its constantly changing because of the tide) and we headed on our way to Riverview Marina in Catskill, NY.
It was interesting when we arrived at the marina because we arrived at low tided and had to be very careful to not hit bottom. One of the sailboats that was mooring on a ball at the marina had hit bottom and was keeled over =/ but we made it in safe and sound. Tomorrow we to step the mast! But the prep today is kind tedious. We learned a while ago that the wire for the wind instrument that runs through the mast is fried and we need to get a new wire to pull through. Well of course papa elected Grama and myself to go to town and find the right wire >_> why he would send two chicks who don’t have a clue what he’s looking for is beyond me but we managed to find the right thing and pulled it through the mast so it would be ready in the morning.
It was interesting when we arrived at the marina because we arrived at low tided and had to be very careful to not hit bottom. One of the sailboats that was mooring on a ball at the marina had hit bottom and was keeled over =/ but we made it in safe and sound. Tomorrow we to step the mast! But the prep today is kind tedious. We learned a while ago that the wire for the wind instrument that runs through the mast is fried and we need to get a new wire to pull through. Well of course papa elected Grama and myself to go to town and find the right wire >_> why he would send two chicks who don’t have a clue what he’s looking for is beyond me but we managed to find the right thing and pulled it through the mast so it would be ready in the morning.
Day 16
Departure 730am. Toaday we officially completed the Erie Barge Canal!
We missed the first lock this morning because we noticed our 10day passes for the locks had expired and we needed to talk to the lockmaster in order to get a new permit. He told us that he was unable to take cash or payment at this lock and it was a lot of paperwork to fill out and then we’d need to mail a check in to pay for it and it was too much of a hassle but he believed the next lock would be able to take cash and he’d move us through under the condition we’d buy a pass at the next lock. Well we dropped the 14’ and headed to the next lock to find that the lockmaster here was unable to take cash aswell so he let us through under the same condition. Well we completed the locks today dropping 14’, 27’ and then passing through some medieval looking floodgates that dripped all over us and the boat >_> and then the rest of the locks were all together, you went directly from one to the other, dropping 33’, 33.3’, 34.6’, 34.6’, 33.6’, and 14’ and every lockmaster until the last lock passed the buck and couldn’t sell us a permit lol. It seemed rather pointless to get the pass after completing the last lock but oh well we’re done!
We arrived in Waterford around noon and there was a ton traffic on the water! We haven’t seen so many boats in such a long time it was like we were the only ones lol. It was hard to find a pace to tie up and we circled for quite a while until Larry backed into a spot and then caught Grace C and tied her to the wall and helped us raft off of her. The wall was huge. I wouldn’t have been able to climb up if it weren’t for dicks make shift ladder lol… Although Grama and I were desperate for a hot shower so we would have found a way up!
We missed the first lock this morning because we noticed our 10day passes for the locks had expired and we needed to talk to the lockmaster in order to get a new permit. He told us that he was unable to take cash or payment at this lock and it was a lot of paperwork to fill out and then we’d need to mail a check in to pay for it and it was too much of a hassle but he believed the next lock would be able to take cash and he’d move us through under the condition we’d buy a pass at the next lock. Well we dropped the 14’ and headed to the next lock to find that the lockmaster here was unable to take cash aswell so he let us through under the same condition. Well we completed the locks today dropping 14’, 27’ and then passing through some medieval looking floodgates that dripped all over us and the boat >_> and then the rest of the locks were all together, you went directly from one to the other, dropping 33’, 33.3’, 34.6’, 34.6’, 33.6’, and 14’ and every lockmaster until the last lock passed the buck and couldn’t sell us a permit lol. It seemed rather pointless to get the pass after completing the last lock but oh well we’re done!
We arrived in Waterford around noon and there was a ton traffic on the water! We haven’t seen so many boats in such a long time it was like we were the only ones lol. It was hard to find a pace to tie up and we circled for quite a while until Larry backed into a spot and then caught Grace C and tied her to the wall and helped us raft off of her. The wall was huge. I wouldn’t have been able to climb up if it weren’t for dicks make shift ladder lol… Although Grama and I were desperate for a hot shower so we would have found a way up!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Day 15
Planned departure 7am, departure 9am. When we woke this morning we found that it was sooo foggy we couldn’t see across the canal or even the lock in front of us (we were maybe 50’ away)! But I wasn’t too discouraged at this because that means I can go back to bed!
Once we finally did get underway it was decided that I was to freeze my buns off and go forward and sit on the bow with my Yapalong (kinda like a little FRS that has a mic and a headphone so I can talk to papa while he’s in the cockpit)and point out the buoys., but even then it was hard to stay in the channel.
We did 8 locks today dropping 20.5’, 8’, 8’, 11’, 12’, 12’, 15’. To some this might not seem like a lot but each lock takes aprox 1/2 h and your trying to hold a boat (and in some cases two boats because Larry has rafted off us a few times due to his lack of crew) from hitting the wall but keep it near the wall so its undercontrol. Once the back end of the boat starts to swing it’s hard to hold her! So it was a long day. We planned to dock at a marina but when we passed we noticed that they had no dockage for sailboats =[ and they had showers and wifi ;_;!!! Instead we tied up outside lock 8 for the night.
Once we finally did get underway it was decided that I was to freeze my buns off and go forward and sit on the bow with my Yapalong (kinda like a little FRS that has a mic and a headphone so I can talk to papa while he’s in the cockpit)and point out the buoys., but even then it was hard to stay in the channel.
We did 8 locks today dropping 20.5’, 8’, 8’, 11’, 12’, 12’, 15’. To some this might not seem like a lot but each lock takes aprox 1/2 h and your trying to hold a boat (and in some cases two boats because Larry has rafted off us a few times due to his lack of crew) from hitting the wall but keep it near the wall so its undercontrol. Once the back end of the boat starts to swing it’s hard to hold her! So it was a long day. We planned to dock at a marina but when we passed we noticed that they had no dockage for sailboats =[ and they had showers and wifi ;_;!!! Instead we tied up outside lock 8 for the night.
Day 14
Departure 7am. Last night was sooo cold there was frost on the deck! We need to get south! Because the air was so cold there was a beautiful but erie steam coming off the water and it was neat to see. 
Now before I continue I must mention how tired and stressed everyone is getting and with the early mornings jokes are getting lame and we laugh at and find ourselves saying the lamest stupidest things.
Once we got underway it was hard to see but we noticed a duck that we came very close to running over. At the last possible moment it flew away and I say “good cuz I didn’t want any shredded cheese.”…papa just looked at me with a sly smile and said “or quacker crumbs.” (see Cheese and Quacker’s story on day 5)
Just before the 1st lock of the day we found Larry =] so our little convoy is whole again now that it’s back to 3.
Today we did 6 locks, two 25’ lifts and dropped 16’, 21’ 20’ and 40.5’!!! The 40.5’ lock (lock 17 I believe) is the largest on the canal and one of the largest in the world. Unlike most locks the western gate is a lift door that is pulled up instead of the normal gates which open like two french doors. Personally I think this design looked cool but hated the downside to this design. It drips the dirty slimy gross canal water all over you and your boat! I’ve always laughed at papa for getting upset every time the boats gotten a little dirty because he seems to get soo upset and obsessive that the boat has to remain clean. But after scrubbing the boat a few times and waxing it I was kinda mad just watching the dirty water run down the boat and leave marks everywhere! (don’t tell papa!!!)
This evening we tied up to a wall outside lock 16 and in the middle of nowhere =[ lol oh well I guess I’m getting used to not having wifi and a hot shower every night.
Now before I continue I must mention how tired and stressed everyone is getting and with the early mornings jokes are getting lame and we laugh at and find ourselves saying the lamest stupidest things.
Once we got underway it was hard to see but we noticed a duck that we came very close to running over. At the last possible moment it flew away and I say “good cuz I didn’t want any shredded cheese.”…papa just looked at me with a sly smile and said “or quacker crumbs.” (see Cheese and Quacker’s story on day 5)
Just before the 1st lock of the day we found Larry =] so our little convoy is whole again now that it’s back to 3.
Today we did 6 locks, two 25’ lifts and dropped 16’, 21’ 20’ and 40.5’!!! The 40.5’ lock (lock 17 I believe) is the largest on the canal and one of the largest in the world. Unlike most locks the western gate is a lift door that is pulled up instead of the normal gates which open like two french doors. Personally I think this design looked cool but hated the downside to this design. It drips the dirty slimy gross canal water all over you and your boat! I’ve always laughed at papa for getting upset every time the boats gotten a little dirty because he seems to get soo upset and obsessive that the boat has to remain clean. But after scrubbing the boat a few times and waxing it I was kinda mad just watching the dirty water run down the boat and leave marks everywhere! (don’t tell papa!!!)
This evening we tied up to a wall outside lock 16 and in the middle of nowhere =[ lol oh well I guess I’m getting used to not having wifi and a hot shower every night.
Day 13
Everything arrived on time this morning =] papa went to installing my hatch, Dick went to installing his things and Grama and I headed to town to pic up a few things before getting underway (and to just get away from the grumpy men ;] lol).
When we arrived back at the boat we put away groceries and prepared to head out =]
Papa started the engine and we untied lines…and then the engine staled… Grama and I were about to cry! We wanted to leave and get down south to where it was warm and we don’t need to work all day and we can relax in the sun!!!
…but remember I said when we arrived at Ess-Kay papa changed the filters, well he didn’t bleed the lines and we just had air in the diesel and it wasn’t a hard fix…once we figured it out…
Well with that drama out of the way we were ready to leave at 4pm sharp. It was supposed to be 4h to cross Lake Oneida but we did it in 3 =]. The scenery was beautiful and it made us just want to hoist up the sail and kill the engine!...but if we did I don’t think we would have gone very far lmao.
We arrived at Sylvan Beach at 7:55pm and Dick really wanted pizza lol. As I said to Ruth that man thinks about pizza more than I do lol and I like pizza! So papa and I managed to convince Grama to go get pizza with Dick and Ruth (and I you know grama that was such a hard task lmao we said “Grama how about we go get pizza for supper” and she jumped up and was leading the way!). the pizza place we found had some really good pizza, it was like a Chef Bondies back home =]…although the man tried to charge us $56 for 2 large pizzas!!!
When we arrived back at the boat we put away groceries and prepared to head out =]
Papa started the engine and we untied lines…and then the engine staled… Grama and I were about to cry! We wanted to leave and get down south to where it was warm and we don’t need to work all day and we can relax in the sun!!!
…but remember I said when we arrived at Ess-Kay papa changed the filters, well he didn’t bleed the lines and we just had air in the diesel and it wasn’t a hard fix…once we figured it out…
Well with that drama out of the way we were ready to leave at 4pm sharp. It was supposed to be 4h to cross Lake Oneida but we did it in 3 =]. The scenery was beautiful and it made us just want to hoist up the sail and kill the engine!...but if we did I don’t think we would have gone very far lmao.
We arrived at Sylvan Beach at 7:55pm and Dick really wanted pizza lol. As I said to Ruth that man thinks about pizza more than I do lol and I like pizza! So papa and I managed to convince Grama to go get pizza with Dick and Ruth (and I you know grama that was such a hard task lmao we said “Grama how about we go get pizza for supper” and she jumped up and was leading the way!). the pizza place we found had some really good pizza, it was like a Chef Bondies back home =]…although the man tried to charge us $56 for 2 large pizzas!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Day 12
Larry decided to leave this morning and cross Lake Oneida. Grama and Ruth and I needed to do some laundry so we took the car into town and found a laundry mat (which was conveniently owned by the liquor store next door lmao). When we returned to the marina we found that the transmission was going in nicely but the motor mount was cracked (I think that’s what they said...) and they needed to order another part. Hopefully if all goes well we’ll leave tomorrow afternoon. When I made it back to the boat I noticed something was a little off…I have no hatch in my v berth!! Papa was after the damn leak again and tore apart the hatch, so there is just a big hole in my ceiling…nothing like sleeping under the stars…he needs to order a new one because he bent it while uninstalling it so hopefully it gets here tomorrow as well…after seeing this and Ruth hearing the news about the mount us girls decided to take a long walk into town. We made it to town and crossed the bridge and back, which took over an hour.
By the time we were home we were starving! We decided to do a kind of pot luck between the two boats and sit and have a picnic. It was nice and we slept well afterwards =].
By the time we were home we were starving! We decided to do a kind of pot luck between the two boats and sit and have a picnic. It was nice and we slept well afterwards =].
Day 11
I got to sleep in and im not sure when I got up lol. I had a long hot shower =] (which is sooo nice lol I never really appreciated a hot shower like I do now) and we found out that Ess-Kay has a curtesy car to take to town so Grama, Ruth, Larry and I headed to Wall-mart super center to get some groceries and a few other things.
When we returned we found that they were able to take a look at the transmission and order parts so maybe we won’t be stuck here for so long =]. They also had a look at our boats oil switch thing lol (it tells you when the oil pressure is low) so we ordered a new switch to come in with the transmission.
Papa and Grama and I needed to get away so we decided to go for a cruise in the dingy =] lol we went to the mouth of lake Onida and back to the marina and saw some neat things like a castle lmao. It was just nice to get away.
We decided that tonight needed to be movie night cuz everyone has been stressed so we all sat around the cockpit and watched Pirates of the Caribbean =] it was a blast!
When we returned we found that they were able to take a look at the transmission and order parts so maybe we won’t be stuck here for so long =]. They also had a look at our boats oil switch thing lol (it tells you when the oil pressure is low) so we ordered a new switch to come in with the transmission.
Papa and Grama and I needed to get away so we decided to go for a cruise in the dingy =] lol we went to the mouth of lake Onida and back to the marina and saw some neat things like a castle lmao. It was just nice to get away.
We decided that tonight needed to be movie night cuz everyone has been stressed so we all sat around the cockpit and watched Pirates of the Caribbean =] it was a blast!
Day 10
830am departure. Papa let me sleep because we never really went to bed. I laid in the cockpit all night and around 730am I went down to my V berth. Let me tell you if that was the end of Hurricane Ike I wouldn’t want to be caught in it when it was at full strength!!! Here there were trees and hydro polls knocked over a plane was upside down in the water it was crazy!
Today has been pretty crummy raining off and on and just a depressing looking day. Although we did spot Santa! Lol, I don’t know who would put out Christmas decorations this time of yr but there he was lol.
We did 2 locks (one 11’ and the other 6.9’) and roughly 4knots the whole way due to Dick’s transmission problems. We docked at Ess-kay marina which is said to be the best place for mechanics on the canal as well as having the cheapest fuel. But they captured my heart with good wifi and hot showers =]!!! They have told us that they can’t work on Grace C until wed but with the showers and wifi I don’t really mind lol. Once we got in and docked papa spent what seemed like forever checking the oil filters and some water filter. But it was an ok day all in all =]
Today has been pretty crummy raining off and on and just a depressing looking day. Although we did spot Santa! Lol, I don’t know who would put out Christmas decorations this time of yr but there he was lol.
We did 2 locks (one 11’ and the other 6.9’) and roughly 4knots the whole way due to Dick’s transmission problems. We docked at Ess-kay marina which is said to be the best place for mechanics on the canal as well as having the cheapest fuel. But they captured my heart with good wifi and hot showers =]!!! They have told us that they can’t work on Grace C until wed but with the showers and wifi I don’t really mind lol. Once we got in and docked papa spent what seemed like forever checking the oil filters and some water filter. But it was an ok day all in all =]
Monday, September 15, 2008
Day 9
We departed @ 9am and already we could tell it was going to be a hot hot day!! Dick started to have engine problems :S. I found a good place to dock where there were free docks and the washroom and shower facilities were at the fire station ;) (Grama and I thought it seemed like a good spot). But Dick wanted to press on ;_;. We went through 4 locks dropping 19.5’, 12.6’, 6’ and 6’. At the last lock the lockmaster told us of a place where we could dock for the night and Dick could get engine oil.
On our way there we past dozens and dozens (papa guesses about 5 dozen) of Mennonites in canoes, all young girls and guys. Papa laughed because all the girls were in there floor length dresses and here I was in a low cut tank top and a pair of shorts that the tank top pretty much covered lol. All the girls seemed really nice and would wave and say hi and were smiling and having a great time. The guys either would look really shy and pretend not to notice us or would make it obvious they wanted to come close and say hi. Near the end of the group there were a bunch of guys who wanted to show off and were crossing our bow as we came close. The last 2 guys in the canoes really wanted to show off and came very close to the bow and then tried to travel alongside us and told me we should tow them for a bit, I just laughed and shook my head, I knew papa was pissed. He was worried we’d hit them (if they had have touched the bow the boat would have instantly gone under forcing them under our boat). When they neared the stern papa gave them shit and there cocky attitudes disappeared and they turned red and didn’t look back at us.
We arrived at Weedsport and there was no dockage. We didn’t have a clue what to do because there wasn’t another town for miles and the hurricane Ike was supposed to be coming through tonight. Larry asked a guy (Kevin Baker as we later discovered) who was on his own private dock if he knew anywhere close by where there was dockage and the guy let us stay right there on his dock. Larry tied up and Grace C rafted off of him and then we rafted off of Grace C. Kevin even drove Dick into town to get his oil. Thanks Kevin =]. After they returned the group of us decided to walk up to the restaurant. We didn’t realize the road along the bridge we had to cross was a part of the interstate highway and there was barely a shoulder to walk on >_> but we all made it there safe and sound and had a good Sunday dinner together. Later on in the night the winds were going crazy! We were all worried about losing the Biminis and dodgers off the boats and about our lines snapping. So no one slept.
On our way there we past dozens and dozens (papa guesses about 5 dozen) of Mennonites in canoes, all young girls and guys. Papa laughed because all the girls were in there floor length dresses and here I was in a low cut tank top and a pair of shorts that the tank top pretty much covered lol. All the girls seemed really nice and would wave and say hi and were smiling and having a great time. The guys either would look really shy and pretend not to notice us or would make it obvious they wanted to come close and say hi. Near the end of the group there were a bunch of guys who wanted to show off and were crossing our bow as we came close. The last 2 guys in the canoes really wanted to show off and came very close to the bow and then tried to travel alongside us and told me we should tow them for a bit, I just laughed and shook my head, I knew papa was pissed. He was worried we’d hit them (if they had have touched the bow the boat would have instantly gone under forcing them under our boat). When they neared the stern papa gave them shit and there cocky attitudes disappeared and they turned red and didn’t look back at us.
We arrived at Weedsport and there was no dockage. We didn’t have a clue what to do because there wasn’t another town for miles and the hurricane Ike was supposed to be coming through tonight. Larry asked a guy (Kevin Baker as we later discovered) who was on his own private dock if he knew anywhere close by where there was dockage and the guy let us stay right there on his dock. Larry tied up and Grace C rafted off of him and then we rafted off of Grace C. Kevin even drove Dick into town to get his oil. Thanks Kevin =]. After they returned the group of us decided to walk up to the restaurant. We didn’t realize the road along the bridge we had to cross was a part of the interstate highway and there was barely a shoulder to walk on >_> but we all made it there safe and sound and had a good Sunday dinner together. Later on in the night the winds were going crazy! We were all worried about losing the Biminis and dodgers off the boats and about our lines snapping. So no one slept.
Day 8
We departed just before 9am. We did quite a few locks today dropping 25’, 25’, 16.4’ and 16’. On the way Larry told one of the guys that we were the Canadian Navy invading the U.S.A. lol.
Grama made a comment about how I wasn’t taking pics cuz there was a few places that would have been really pretty but I showed her some pics from a few days ago and they looked the same. The first few days it’s like “oh look at that” *snaps pic* and “that’s a gorgeous house” *takes another pic* but after a while it all starts looking the same. I’d like a change of scenery plz.
We arrived at Newark which is a cute little town and it says in big letters that when you arrive after hours you are to call 911 and a cop will come deliver you a washroom key lol.
Grama made a comment about how I wasn’t taking pics cuz there was a few places that would have been really pretty but I showed her some pics from a few days ago and they looked the same. The first few days it’s like “oh look at that” *snaps pic* and “that’s a gorgeous house” *takes another pic* but after a while it all starts looking the same. I’d like a change of scenery plz.
We arrived at Newark which is a cute little town and it says in big letters that when you arrive after hours you are to call 911 and a cop will come deliver you a washroom key lol.
Day 7
We decided to spend the day @ Brockport. It was rainy crappy weather so no one wanted to travel and go through locks. Larry took Kathy and Maria home last night because Kath has to have Dental surgery and Maria wanted to be back at school for her school pics so he had a rental car. We needed groceries and Ruth and Dick needed a few things and Larry needed some screws for something so Grama, Ruth, Dick, Larry and I all piled into the car and headed for Wall mart, Lows and of course the big Liquor store. That night we decided to go out for supper to the smoke house which we had seen on our way into the town but when we arrived it was gross. The servers gave you dirty looks because we were impeding on their gossip time and there were ppl just standing everywhere drinking, smoking and it was filthy. So off to pizza hut we went lol.
Day 6
We departed the wall at 9am sharp to be the first in the lock. There were 2 locks that were 25' drops each time. It was kind neat/scary moving down the wall. After the locks it was just going through the canal with pretty scenery and houses for hours. Although at one place there was a farmer spreading pig manure on his field and we were down wind =s we couldn’t move the boat fast enough lol. We thought we would stop around Holley NY for the night but Ruth told us that Brockport seems to be a bit nicer and it had free wifi!! That’s all she needed to tell me and papa knew if we didn’t go there id shoot him lol. We arrived in Brockport around 430 pm it had a nice big shower and wifi, i thought i was in heaven lol.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Day 5
We had another lazy morning i slept in until 11 =]
Once i got up grama, Kathy, Maria, Ruth and i decided to go for a walk up to an inn across the road from the marina for tea and lunch. It was very good and they had real iced tea =] lol (the canadian kind not the american cold tea).
After lunch we arrived back at the marina intime to meet the truck driver whos driving our masts to the end of the cannal where we will put them up again. He was a nice guy and it took a while to load the masts but eventally it was done.
Papa then decided it was time to be on our way down to the cannal and we took off.
Once i got up grama, Kathy, Maria, Ruth and i decided to go for a walk up to an inn across the road from the marina for tea and lunch. It was very good and they had real iced tea =] lol (the canadian kind not the american cold tea).
After lunch we arrived back at the marina intime to meet the truck driver whos driving our masts to the end of the cannal where we will put them up again. He was a nice guy and it took a while to load the masts but eventally it was done.
Papa then decided it was time to be on our way down to the cannal and we took off.
Without the mast we're just a funny looking power boat with a keel =].
All down the cannal the scenery was beautiful, the rich housing the water and nature was just perfect =].
Grama pointed out a few ducks and said look its Cheese and Quackers lmao. For those of you who dont know Cheese and Quackers one yr when i was very little grama had some ducks and i named them Cheese and Quackers and i loved those ducks and would feed them and pet them and just loved being near them. Well when i returned one weekend for my visit i found Cheese and Quackers to be missing. Grama told me they had "flown south for the winter" and maybe they would come back in the spring. Well i waited and waited and spring and summer went by with no Chesse and Quackers =[ . I never did believe they had flown south but i hoped they did lol.
We motered for what seemed like forever we arrived at the first lock but it was 7pm and the locks close at 5 so we were out of luck and had to tie up to a huge wall which was the only dockage avaliable. The wall was so big grama was tied to the boat because of her bad knee she couldnt get up it. Luckily Kathy spotted a Timmies and we were all excited lol i took gramas and papas orders and Kathy and Mairia and i walked to Timmies and brought back donuts and coffee and tea =]. while walking back we had a few ppl chuckle at us here i was wearing my canada sweater and carrying 2 Timmies coffees and a box of donuts, lol typical Canadian.
Day 4
We had a very lazy morning it was nice =].
Around noon we went for a pump out and diesel and then headed down the river to Anchor Marine where we were removing our masts (we need to take down the mast because the bridges along the cannal are short and some dont move).
On the way down we had to go through our first lock =] it was only a 5m drop but it was the first ive ever been through.
Around noon we went for a pump out and diesel and then headed down the river to Anchor Marine where we were removing our masts (we need to take down the mast because the bridges along the cannal are short and some dont move).
On the way down we had to go through our first lock =] it was only a 5m drop but it was the first ive ever been through.
Well for those of you who didnt know all of us have been really stressed out from things going wrong to just missing home and we've all been at the end of our ropes...but here Dick was literally at the end of his rope...
Once at Anchor Marine the guys moved quickly and dropped all 3 of our masts (ours, Sinn Feinn's and Grace C's) in 2 hours which is very good time.
Later on in the evening papa tripped on the dock and we all thought he was going to go into the drink but he managed to right himself but dropped his bag or tools as well as 6 turn buckles(urn buckles are expensive and important parts of the rigging on the mast) over the opposite side of the dock (dont ask me how). It looks like im going diving in the morning >_>
Once at Anchor Marine the guys moved quickly and dropped all 3 of our masts (ours, Sinn Feinn's and Grace C's) in 2 hours which is very good time.
Later on in the evening papa tripped on the dock and we all thought he was going to go into the drink but he managed to right himself but dropped his bag or tools as well as 6 turn buckles(urn buckles are expensive and important parts of the rigging on the mast) over the opposite side of the dock (dont ask me how). It looks like im going diving in the morning >_>
Day 3
We're underway heading to Buffalo. Departure 7am.
Well lake erie gave us a wonderful send off >_> today was the first time in yrs (infact the only time i ever remember) that i was sea sick =s we had 25knot winds coming from the west to south west and boy was it rocky! We traveled between 7.5 and 8 knots the whole way (which is fast for the boat). We arrived at the erie basin marina at 5pm and grama and i were so happy to be on land we almost kissed the ground lol.
Although i must mention our trip across the lake was a cake walk compared to Sinn Fein's crossing. the alternator broke part way through the trip and the winds were so strong we had put a reef in the main (shortened the sail) but Larry just hoisted the main (the sail)and sailed her all the way to buffalo. The man either has guts or is stupid lol but grama and i wouldnt have the balls to do that.
Once we were safely docked papa tried to convince us to take down the sail, the jib and the boom. i agreed under the condition i got a pina colada =]. Part of taking down the mast it putting a line up on the mast to aid in taking it down.
Well lake erie gave us a wonderful send off >_> today was the first time in yrs (infact the only time i ever remember) that i was sea sick =s we had 25knot winds coming from the west to south west and boy was it rocky! We traveled between 7.5 and 8 knots the whole way (which is fast for the boat). We arrived at the erie basin marina at 5pm and grama and i were so happy to be on land we almost kissed the ground lol.
Although i must mention our trip across the lake was a cake walk compared to Sinn Fein's crossing. the alternator broke part way through the trip and the winds were so strong we had put a reef in the main (shortened the sail) but Larry just hoisted the main (the sail)and sailed her all the way to buffalo. The man either has guts or is stupid lol but grama and i wouldnt have the balls to do that.
Once we were safely docked papa tried to convince us to take down the sail, the jib and the boom. i agreed under the condition i got a pina colada =]. Part of taking down the mast it putting a line up on the mast to aid in taking it down.
Which means i had to go up the mast...
Once we completed that tedious task we were all thoroughly exhausted we walked to a restaurant and had a huge meal and my pina colada =]
Monday, September 8, 2008
Day 2
Layover day
We woke to find the weather man was wrong again and it was pouring outside. Maria had slept over in my V-berth and due to the weather grama decided to let us sleep in!! after breaky maria and i headed to sein fenn to watch a movie. about half way through the movie her G.G. [great grama] came to pick us up to meet kathy [maria's grandmother] in town. she surprised us with pedicures!! we had fun =] the rest of the day was pretty mellow after that just supper and and early night because we head to buffalo in the morning.
We woke to find the weather man was wrong again and it was pouring outside. Maria had slept over in my V-berth and due to the weather grama decided to let us sleep in!! after breaky maria and i headed to sein fenn to watch a movie. about half way through the movie her G.G. [great grama] came to pick us up to meet kathy [maria's grandmother] in town. she surprised us with pedicures!! we had fun =] the rest of the day was pretty mellow after that just supper and and early night because we head to buffalo in the morning.
Day 1
We're finally underway!!!
left at the 7am bridge
i wanted to take a pic of the King George bridge closing behind us but the batteries in both cameras were dead =[.
The sail was fairly uneventfull minus maria [maria is 11 and another girl going on our trip shes aboard sinn fein with the mcAuleys] and i attempting to have a conversation through signaling eachother from boat to boat lol our attempts failed misserably. a while into the voyage at about port Burwell i fell asleep and didnt get up untill long point lol. when i did finally up i found grama and papa had eaten the tarts without me!!! for thoes of you that are no at the club you need to know jackie donker makes the most amazing mouth watering butter tarts known to mankind!! and she made a dozen for each boat going on the trip and i wanted a tart sooo badly but they were for on the trip and i wasnt allowed any >_> and then they waited untill i was sound asleep!!! we arrived in dover at 6pm and went out for supper and maria slept over and we watched the beverly hills hilbillies lol i think it was the only thing age appropriate lol
left at the 7am bridge
i wanted to take a pic of the King George bridge closing behind us but the batteries in both cameras were dead =[.
The sail was fairly uneventfull minus maria [maria is 11 and another girl going on our trip shes aboard sinn fein with the mcAuleys] and i attempting to have a conversation through signaling eachother from boat to boat lol our attempts failed misserably. a while into the voyage at about port Burwell i fell asleep and didnt get up untill long point lol. when i did finally up i found grama and papa had eaten the tarts without me!!! for thoes of you that are no at the club you need to know jackie donker makes the most amazing mouth watering butter tarts known to mankind!! and she made a dozen for each boat going on the trip and i wanted a tart sooo badly but they were for on the trip and i wasnt allowed any >_> and then they waited untill i was sound asleep!!! we arrived in dover at 6pm and went out for supper and maria slept over and we watched the beverly hills hilbillies lol i think it was the only thing age appropriate lol
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