Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 17

We departed Waterford at 9am. Today we completed the final lock =] it use to part of the canal as lock #1 but for some reason it became a federal lock and the Erie canal ends (or starts however you look at it) at lock 2. This lock was only a little one where we dropped about 8’ (its constantly changing because of the tide) and we headed on our way to Riverview Marina in Catskill, NY.
It was interesting when we arrived at the marina because we arrived at low tided and had to be very careful to not hit bottom. One of the sailboats that was mooring on a ball at the marina had hit bottom and was keeled over =/ but we made it in safe and sound. Tomorrow we to step the mast! But the prep today is kind tedious. We learned a while ago that the wire for the wind instrument that runs through the mast is fried and we need to get a new wire to pull through. Well of course papa elected Grama and myself to go to town and find the right wire >_> why he would send two chicks who don’t have a clue what he’s looking for is beyond me but we managed to find the right thing and pulled it through the mast so it would be ready in the morning.


1 comment:

Sammeh said...

lol its just because its papa x]