Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 166

Well your suppose to move off of the dock at 12 noon...but we kinda wanted to go to town...sooo we headed off to quickly do a walk to town, they left a little before me, and I almost couldn’t find them lol. They were at a little booth beside the Exuma market and the dingy dock, and when I found them they told me to quickly pick out which t-shirt I wanted x]. They were the Georgetown 29th Regatta shirts and they didn’t have my size in any that I wanted =[ lol so I had to settle for the white.

From there we convinced Papa to let us go over to the straw market. We met some of the ladies who were working on making baskets and with some of the ladies was the cutest little girl, she wasn’t the prettiest girl but her smile and how sweet she was almost made you want to take her home with you lol. She asked me what my name was and once that was settled she looked at me and with no hesitation asked me what was on my teeth lmao. I told her they were braces and asked her name and she said she was Francis. Her mother sold the vegetables outside and so all day she would sit and behave while her mother tried to make sales. It goes to show you how fortunate we are in Canada...this little girl was well behaved and soo sweet but does not go to school and will likely end up like her mother with no education making barley enough to live by selling the little bit of vegetables she can grow in her garden and making the same baskets as all the other women in the straw market hoping a tourist will choose her to buy from. In all the straw markets we have been in since we have been in the Bahamas there has been no variation in any of the items that they sell. They make money strictly on their ability to draw you in and charm you into buying from them instead of their neighbour sitting beside her.

While we were there I bought a couple of things and then decided to carry on and explore a little farther into town. We didn’t make it very far because the Peace and Plenty was just down the road and we decided to have lunch lol. The Peace and Plenty is a little resort with a little restaurant that overlooks Elizabeth harbour. From the balcony where we ate we could see monument hill and anchorage as well as Volleyball beach and anchorage. It’s beautiful. While we were eating we sat and tried to see if we could spot the blue mast over in the monument anchorage which would be Brandaris lol.

Well by now it’s long after 12 and we need to get back to move the boat. It didn’t take long to get over to monument and get settled. We had a quiet night and played some Chinese checkers lol.


1 comment:

Sammeh said...

that reminds me from what my dad was talking to me about when he was in cuba.
It really does make me fortunate =(
I wish poverty was gone. *angerface*
but yeah, I laughed though at how you said how she asked you.
I can totally see and hear her asking