Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 213

I was up earlier than usual this morning (but I did turn out my light last night way earlier than normal). We decided that Papa would take the dingy up to Sampson Cay (again Cay is pronounced Key) to get fuel, water and a few groceries. It was a bit of a dingy ride but Papa enjoyed having the opportunity to drive the dingy lol. I generally do most of the driving.

While Papa was gone Grama and I found bed sheets, cleaned out the boat and got ready for Karen and Dave to arrive tomorrow! I guess today it a short post compared to normal but we stayed on board all day.

Ohh and Shinning Time, the catamaran I had dinner on in Long Island came in and anchored near us just after dark and we had a bit of a chat and are planning to go snorkelling tomorrow.


1 comment:

Sammeh said...

:] I wanna go swimming now D:
have to wait until its warmer out D: