Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 147

Ok so at supper last night Papa announced to everyone that he wanted today to be a lay-day and to do nothing, which was great lol. I woke up this morning and crawled out of bed and Papa and Grama still appeared to be sleeping! It seemed weird being up before them but they weren’t too far behind me.

We got talking to Brenda (from Brandaris) about how I want(need) a wetsuit for snorkelling and she was saying about a dive shop not too far away...well this convo ended up brining about a day of completely cleaning the boat! Like scrubbing the deck and the back transom (which was black and yellow from the salt water on the stairs and fibreglass) to scrubbing the side panels of the enclosure and even scrubbing the dingy. We even patched a few rub spots on the dingy. It was a LONG day but not bad lol I was getting soaked constantly so I finally put on some suntan lotion and my bikini lmao. I think I’m finally starting to even out the wonky tan lines I got in Miami.

After we decided we weren’t cleaning anymore we sat for a few mins and then got talking to Peter the dock master about the marine animals we could see in the water.

Since today is Friday everyone decided we should go out for a few drinks and appetizers (which we all knew would end up being supper), so we went back to the Yacht Club which Brenda and Walter says has the most reasonable prices. It was a fun evening.
When we got back I decided I wanted to go swimming lol. So I jumped in the pool...ok so I slowly... barely inched my way into the cold water lmao. But I did get in and swim lol. And now I am thoroughly exhausted and Grama and Papa are already in bed as I’m typing this and I’m going to bed now too!

Some pics taken from our dock xD

Lion Fish

(your suppose to kill these because they're not a native species)

Sting Ray

Hermit Crab


1 comment:

Sammeh said...

LOL the stingray sketched me out
I had to try very hard to find it xD
so much for lulling around when you are cleaning :p
anyways babe <3
ily&imy ♥