Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day.. I believe it’s the 41st day!

Today was another hot beautiful day =]. Papa and I took the dingy and went down the creek just to look around it was fun. Later papa and Grama headed to town and left me to my school work =[ lol. We planned to have supper at 5 at a local pub with the whole group- minus Grace C who we still haven’t made contact with =[. Of course the Kentners and the McAuleys were late xD lmao. We even had Bret and Jill, friends from Ashtabula, join us. We never had a lull in the conversation lol there were so many stories to hear and tell.



Sammeh said...

school work's fun isn't it? XD

NiceButt_Sailing said...

never go any marks for it =[...oh well....i learned something...i think =/ lol